9. You can go back to school to get a degree in "Alternative Energy Engineering" or "Wind Power Science" or a BS in "Distributed Electricity Generation Sciences." The possibilities are endless becaue the bill invests in new academic programs for the green sector.
8. You can call your out of work cousin or uncle and say "I think I've found the perfect job for you: energy auditor."
7. In that vein, being "audited" won't be a bad thing. it will SAVE you money.
6. The real price of inefficency and pollution will finally be part of the price of energy, making pollution free, high efficient energy the force to be reckoned with.
5. New career in America: Carbon Trader. Mad Money will have a lot more to talk about.
4. A new excuse for Dad to use when he's at the store: "But honey, we need a new TV/Microwave/Stereo/Computer/DVD player - this one is MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT!"
3. Skilled tradesmen will have lots of work building new, highly efficient homes - and low income people who have homes from pre-1976 will get assistance buying new ones.
2. There will finally be a place to plug in your Chevy Volt besides the garage.
1. A new cultural phrase - "As American as green energy."
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